Elevate your meals with healthy recipes and delicious food your whole family will love! This is a compilation of my favorite recipes that have been pleasers with my entire family - who are my biggest critics. I have taken family favorite recipes and tweaked them to make them my own or a bit healthier.

The bottom line, healthy happy homemade meals are the best for you. Keep it simple and you will lead a healthy life that will bless you moving forward.

  • Fresh, Fresh, Fresh. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits is always a goal when eating healthier. Fresh from the garden, the farmers’ market or from the produce section of your favorite grocery store, choose ingredients that look fresh and colorful. Then enjoy them as soon as you can.

  • Eat uncluttered foods. Who needs to add canned sauces and gravies when a grilled piece of meat or roasted veggies taste so great?

  • Keep food clean and simple whenever you can. Read the label. If you don’t know what an ingredient is, look it up and be sure you want to eat it. Unprocessed or minimally processed foods are always best. Processed foods often add unneeded preservatives, salt, and sugar.

  • Choose real foods (like eggs, lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, and whole grain breads) over processed foods with added ingredients you don’t need or understand.

  • Choose the right fat. Use heart-healthy fats such as avocado and olive oil whenever you can. Butter is a real food but margarine isn’t. Fats are good for you—just choose the right ones.

  • And be a bit creative when you can such as using avocado on your toast instead of butter and jelly.


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